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> Preamble

This is a list of all asset credits and sources. Anything not listed was created by me. Inspirations are also listed. Please always archive, explore, and get inspired :) copyheart and all that.

While pages are inspired from 2000-2010 era Calgary/Canadian websites; all code has been written by me, and this page is dedicated to making sure all assets get their due credit.

Copying of a website's visual layout/general colours is not illegal, and I've taken care to make sure these pages are not mistaken as the original. ...Despite the originals no longer being in use for over a decade.

My personal policy on copying is.. it's fine, obviously. It'd be hypocritical of me to say I wouldn't want anyone to recreate my layouts. I'm fine with my code being copy and pasted,the only thing I ask is credit be attributed, like i've done here. :)

loosely inspired: 1998 Stampeders.com banner: Wikimedia Commons
- Friends Sign:
Demon: Wikimedia Commons
Dog: Wikimedia Commons
Person: Wikimedia Commons
heavily inspired: North American Roadsigns
background: by me, but inspired by classroom bulletin board decor.
portrait: Of me, by my brother
furry code: captainpackrat.com
geek code: geekcode.xyz
heavily inspired: 1997 canada.gc.ca (cover image also from here)
mabsland age rating: mabsland.com
heavily inspired: 2004 ucalgary.ca cursor: rw-designer
header image: Wikimedia Commons
index photo: Milan Suvajac
commissions icon: flaticon.com
carrd icon: carrd.co
website icon: flaticon.com
social media icons: Wikimedia Commons
- Friends image:
soda: webfishing screenshot
jay: ghost album cover
em: Barbie Dreamhouse Roblox Tycoon
maple: wallpapers.com
luci: sesameworkshop.org
max: Amiga 1000 advert
kowi': Lisa Frank
autumn: stevensiegelphotographer.com
avery: stock image (no source)
Crispy: Vroomiz screenshot
layout: suncor
heavily inspired: 2008 aircanada.com
heavily inspired: 2011 calgarypubliclibrary.com
heavily-ish inspired: Windows 95 Setup Wizard
layout: 2005 pokemon.com
clay pngs: fishgills on tumblr
red render: bbongwater on tumblr
banner: spriters-resource
border image (edited): spriters-resource
background: spriters-resource
text box background: 2005 pokemon.com
inspired by: Frums - Credits animation by plaaosert
ascii text: patorjk.com