Why an archive?
I wanted to make an archive mostly because:
- My current archive is literally a bunch of plain folders on my hard drive and I love navigating by user interfaces
- I think it's awesome when an artist has years of their work posted up so you can see their improvement
- People keep asking me about my art and where to view it, especially because I have the tendency to DFE because of the changing tides of social media
- I like commentating on my stuff and having years of works all in one place
- Because it's MY website and I do what I WANT!
A minor note.. this archive may be missing some content, mostly for personal reasons, if you've known me for a long time and are wondering why some things are missing. This also means I won't be posting my fanfiction from when I was a minor, sorry guys. I'm sure you'll survive without having a pristine copy of my unfinished FNF fanfiction I made when I was 15, that Google is still obsessed with having connected to my name for some reason.
How to navigate?
You can view by year on the left, or by subject of work on the top navbar.
Images use a Javascript viewer I lobotomized from Melonking's gallery maker. Without Javascript enabled, it'll open in a new tab as usual.
Some images have captions, to add some extra information.
What's the difference from /gallery?
My gallery page, which you can view here, is moreso meant as a "these are all the works I'm proud of! Look at these for my best works!" While the archive is my very best and worst. The gallery may be forever changing, but this archive won't have any works removed from it.